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Technology / Machine Translation

Intelligent Machine Translation

Machine Translation (MT) can be a powerful tool for lowering costs and accelerating turnaround times for certain translation projects. MT is often the best option for high volume projects, or for low-budget translations that will be used for reference only. It helps clients get to the “gist” of documents in order to identify which ones require more accurate human translation. Currently, our MT tool supports over 350 language pairs and utilizes the latest advances in Neural Machine Translation (NMT).

Machine Translation and Multilingual Discovery

MT is especially relevant for discovery documents and multilingual document review. If you are reviewing a large volume of multilingual documents, machine translation can provide a rapid, cost-effective solution. Often used as an initial pass to identify the most relevant documents, "raw" MT is an important tool for lowering costs and accelerating turnaround times. On its own, it does not currently provide the accuracy needed to translate legal documents.

Customized MT Solutions

Morningside also offers customized MT solutions. Morningside can create proprietary, client-specific MT engines and integrate machine translation solutions into the project workflow. Get in touch with Morningside to see if MT solutions are a suitable option for your project, or if a different combination of cost-saving tools would be a better fit.