Resources / Guide

Best Practices for Medical Device Labeling Translations

The heavily regulated medical device industry often requires translating necessary documents such as labels. Medical device labeling necessitates partnering with professionals who translate medical documentation or an experienced language services provider (LSP) specializing in the subject matter and specific medical segment.

Medical device labeling may require you to translate your labels into dozens of languages. Sometimes the perceived cost of high-quality medical translations can cut corners, leading to errors. Errors can present a potential patient hazard and complicate bringing your medical device to market. Going to market with your new medical device is difficult enough without the added translation regulatory hurdles.

With that in mind, we have created helpful best practices to ensure your translation is error-free to help facilitate bringing your medical device to market. Download our new eBook to learn about:

  • Types of Labeling
  • Implementing Best Practices
  • Benefits of using an LSP

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