Resources / Guide

The Ultimate White Paper: Choosing a Reliable Translation Partner for Technical Documentation

Understanding the value of technical documentation and the importance of translation is just the first step to finding a qualified and reliable language service provider (LSP) for technical documentation that can support your organization’s goals and help to communicate with your global audience.

Technical documentation touches nearly every industry, instructing or guiding your audience through proper use and sometimes safety for your product or service. It is imperative to translate this content accurately to ensure the well-being of your end-users and represent your company professionally, supporting your organization’s reputation.

In our white paper, we cover the following:

  • The Value of Technical Documentation
  • Should you Translate your Technical Documents, Compliance, Support & Collaboration
  • Recommended Qualifications for Technical Translators
  • Translation Processes and Tools You Should Expect from your LSP
  • Impact & Importance of Quality on Technical Documentation
  • Best Practices for Partnering with an LSP for Technical Documentation Projects

Download  “The Ultimate White Paper: Choosing a Reliable Translation Partner for Technical Documentation” today to learn how to choose a reliable translation partner for technical documentation and increase your organization’s accessibility; and how Morningside, A Questel Company can support your organization. Receive your complimentary copy of this white paper by completing the form below.