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Technical Translation / MadCap Flare Translation Solutions

MadCap Flare Translation Solutions

MadCap Flare is a robust technical authoring tool and an excellent solution for single-source authoring and publishing to multiple formats, but working in multiple languages can be a challenge. That's why you need a technical translation and localization partner that knows Flare inside and out. Clients have been relying on Morningside for their multilingual Flare projects for 15 years because they know they can count on our localization engineers to craft custom solutions tailored to each project's custom requirements. Ask us how we can streamline your Flare project.

Morningside's Flare Translation Advantage

  • 15 Years of Flare Localization Experience
  • Support for Native Flare Files
  • Support for Lingo Projects & Bundles
  • Internal Localization Engineering, Project Management & Linguistic Support for Flare

For Native Flare Project Files

Morningside supports your ouputs from end-to-end with full turnkey solutions for native flare project files including: localization engineering, desktop publishing and quality assurance. Get in touch with our localization team today for a quick assessment of your Flare project or process.

For Lingo Projects & Bundles

For clients who prefer a more hands on approach, Morningside fully supports Lingo projects and bundles. We'll provide the language support and your team handles the localization engineering, desktop publishing and integration. We're happy to provide custom levels of support to meet our clients' requirements.

Certified Quality Management

Morningside’s technical translation services are supported by a level of quality unmatched in the industry. With a rigorous quality management system that is certified to the latest ISO 9001 and 17100 standards, we have 20 years of experience providing end-to-end language support for complex technical documentation projects. Our linguists have proven expertise in a broad range of subject matters and technical fields as well as a deep understanding of country-specific terminology. As an added step to ensure quality, our proprietary algorithm— the Quality Reliability Indicator (QRI)— monitors projects, identifies areas of potential risk, and helps prevent errors before they happen​.