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Get Your WPML Token

Fill out the form below to receive your WPML token from Morningside.

Morningside provides comprehensive website translation & localization in 200+ languages for leading organizations and global brands. With streamlined processes and comprehensive WordPress expertise, we provide rapid turnarounds and budget-friendly solutions for even the most expansive WordPress instances. We also offer a full suite of global marketing services to support your company’s online presence abroad, including multilingual content management and multilingual SEO. For over 20 years, Morningside has helped companies successfully localize their website content and transform language barriers into revenue opportunities.

Optimize Your WordPress Instance

Implementing WPML to build a direct bridge between your multilingual content and Morningside’s network of 8000+ linguists will optimize translation workflow and provide effortless access to Morningside’s industry-leading suite of multilingual desktop publishing solutions. Working with Morningside means you'll be using the latest language asset management tools to save you time, money and to ensure the highest level of quality and consistency for your site. Our WPML integration doesn't require technical or programming skills and can be easily installed without any coding.

Our Unwavering Committment to Quality

Morningside employs ISO 9001, 13485 and 17001-compliant processes and controls, as well as a 3-tier linguistic review process to ensure the highest quality deliverables. As an added step to mitigate risk, our proprietary algorithm, Quality Reliability Indicator (QRI), monitors projects, preemptively identifies areas of potential risk and prevents quality issues before they happen to ensure a reliable and repeatable outcome.

Getting Started is Easy

To request a WPML token, simply fill out the form at the bottom of the page indicating that you’d like to implement WPML. And, to receive a quote for your website, simply click the “Get Quote” button on the right hand side of the page. We look forward to hearing from you.

Priority Support

For all plugin-related issues, please contact WPML support directly. You can open a new support ticket here or browse the forums for a solution by clicking here.

WMPL also offers a number of support resources to guide you along your journey. Here are just a few:

*For support with web development for multilingual sites, please get in touch using the form below.