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App Translation: Now What

Feb 18, 2016

Translating an app is a critical tool to driving downloads and growing your business. Global reach means a wider audience, more potential clients and ultimately, far greater revenue potential. Yet making sure that the text and UI of your app is correctly translated is only the first step in helping your company maximize its global potential.

Here are three additional elements you should translate that will translate into better app success.

  1. Searchable Terms

From your keywords to metadata, localizing important terms and ensuring that they are properly translated can make a huge difference in expanding your reach. One of the biggest challenges with a great app is making it easily searchable and discoverable in a massive and proliferating market of mobile software. It is worth taking the time to translate and localize your key search terms and metadata to stay ahead of the curve in this critical area. It is important to not just translate the terms, but to also make sure that the implications are the same and that you’re touching upon the necessary local slang and terminology that are commonly searched in your target market.

  1. PR

Whether it’s your press release or online media kit, make sure that foreign journalists can easily find and report on your product. App and gaming journalists and bloggers are hugely influential and a strong review or article can lead to a major jump in downloads. The more promotional materials you can translate and/or localize for them, the better.

  1. Business Development

Make sure your business can grow in any market by translating financial documents for potential investors and partners. You never know where a key partner that can help your product succeed will come from. Your business and financial materials are obviously different from what you’re saying to potential users and need to be translated accordingly. Taking the time to professionally localize these documents with qualified finance translation services can make a huge difference in developing your app and obtaining the capital you need to grow and succeed.

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