Client Experience / Case Studies

Global 100 IT Client

The Challenge

A Global 100 IT company was validating over 400 patents per year via a European agent, and in addition to paying excessive translation and agency fees, the agent was often unable to meet last-minute filing deadlines and other special requests.

The Solution

After carefully vetting several patent filing services, they found that Morningside’s responsiveness, translation quality, and cost structure made us the ideal choice.

The Result

Morningside now manages all of the client’s European validations and has successfully lowered costs by 42% compared to working with a European agent or other third-party providers. Morningside has also been able to fully integrate its project management system with the client’s IP management software, allowing for a seamless workflow with the client’s worldwide offices.

Our Partnership

Recently, the client selected Morningside to handle their legal translation work firm-wide, a testimony to the success of the partnership and their overwhelming satisfaction with Morningside’s services.