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Foreign Language Litigation Support Services

Feb 08, 2013

For companies and their counsel dealing with cross-border litigation, antitrust, or multinational investigations, the challenges are enormous. Adding to the challenge is the need to review, organize, and comprehend hundreds or even thousands of foreign language documents.

Document translation is the easy part. First you need organize and label the documents, review them to discover which are relevant to the matter, prioritize them, and then translate them.

Legal professionals usually turn to Morningside at the final stage of this process, when they have selected the documents that require translation and are ready to roll. But Morningside also offers a full suite of litigation support services for foreign language documents to help you search, organize, and review them from the very beginning.

Morningside can organize and manage the documents, either remotely or on-site. Our expert linguists can sift through stacks of documents and determine which ones are relevant for the case. They can also help summarize the docs, to help you decide which ones require more expensive, word-for-word translation. Our sophisticated legal support tools can help dramatically speed up review times and lower costs.

To sum up, if your case or matter  involves thousands of foreign language documents, you don’t have to manage them all on your own. We are here to help. We can offer comprehensive solutions that take into account your budget, deadlines, and specifications. Because we know that you have enough on your plate without worrying about translations.


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